mind & strength blog utah


Lyndy Barnard Lyndy Barnard

How to become resilient when struggling with your mental health

Struggling with mental health such as depression, anxiety, eating disorders or trauma can be incredibly difficult, but it's important to remember that you're not alone. There are many ways to become more resilient when dealing with mental health struggles. Here are a few tips to get you started…

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Lyndy Barnard Lyndy Barnard

Coping with Depression

Depression is a serious condition that affects millions of people worldwide. A recent study found 30% of adults in Utah experience mental illness, including depression. Coping with depression can be a challenge, but there are a number of strategies that can help you manage your symptoms and improve your mood.

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Lyndy Barnard Lyndy Barnard

Rejecting Diet Culture

Diet culture tells you that if you follow a certain diet perfectly then you will be more healthy and weight loss will follow. What happens when it doesn’t work? Will you lame yourself? Trying to eat perfectly erodes you of joy, pleasure, and freedom in how you eat, think, and feel. Rejecting Diet Culture is an important step towards promoting body positivity and self-love.

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Lyndy Barnard Lyndy Barnard

Trauma Associated with Body Image

What a lot of people don't realize is that struggling with negative body image can be traumatic. Constantly hating, mistrusting, and feeling unsafe in your body is a lot of weight to carry. Trauma associated with body image can have a significant impact on an individual's mental and emotional well-being. This type of trauma can arise from experiences such as bullying, negative comments from others, or pressure to conform to societal beauty standards. It can lead to feelings of shame, anxiety, and depression, and may even contribute to the development of eating disorders.

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Lyndy Barnard Lyndy Barnard

Intuitive Eating 101

Intuitive Eating is an approach to eating that emphasizes listening to your body's hunger and fullness cues, rather than following strict diets or meal plans. It encourages individuals to eat when they are hungry, and to stop eating when they are full, while also being mindful of the types of foods they are consuming. Diet culture and the wellness industry is valued over 142.6 billion dollars. Their messages revolved around you not trusting your own body, thoughts or intuition. The intuitive eating approach promotes a healthy relationship with food, and can lead to long-term improvements in overall health and well-being. It is important to note that intuitive eating is not a weight loss program, but rather a way to nourish your body and mind in a sustainable way.

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Lyndy Barnard Lyndy Barnard

Building a Positive Relationship with Movement

Movement is different from exercise. In my 15 years as a therapist, so many women I've worked with HATE the word exercise. It means punishment, it hurts, it boring, and it's designed to lose weight. It doesn't have to be that way. Movement is about building a positive relationship with how I move my body. It's important to find a form of movement that you enjoy and that fits your lifestyle, whether it's walking, yoga, dancing, or weightlifting.

Here are 3 tips that can help you to form a more positive relationship with movement.

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Lyndy Barnard Lyndy Barnard

Mental Health Benefits of Exercise

Exercise provides so many benefits for our mental health. Exercise to improve our mental health has nothing to do with our weight, size, or meeting beauty ideals. Come learn 3 ways exercise can benefit your mental health!

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mental health, depression Lyndy Barnard mental health, depression Lyndy Barnard

What are Good Mental Health Goals

What are Good Mental Health Goals

Good mental health goals are the little things that help you feel better in your own mind and body. Realistic Mental Health Goals are about helping you find way to improve things such as depression, anxiety, trauma or disordered eating. They should improve how you feel, think and behave. They are not time restricted numbers to hit. Come learn tips to set mental health goals from Mind and Strength Counseling in Utah.

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