Building a Positive Relationship with Movement

Movement is different from exercise. In my 15 years as a therapist, so many women I've worked with HATE the word exercise. It means punishment, it hurts, it boring, and it's designed to lose weight. It doesn't have to be that way. Movement is about building a positive relationship with how I move my body. It's important to find a form of movement that you enjoy and that fits your lifestyle, whether it's walking, yoga, dancing, or weightlifting.

Here are 3 tips that can help you to form a more positive relationship with movement.

#1 Find out how you like to move your body.

There are many different forms of movement that can help you to move your body in ways that you enjoy. Movement can range anywhere from swimming and biking to simply taking a walk around your neighborhood. I myself enjoy taking a walk around my neighborhood. It helps me to enjoy nature as well as it helps me to calm down before I start my busy day. Find a form of movement that feels good and brings you joy. It may take some time, but it will make all the difference once you find it.

#2 Determine your “Why”. What drives you to move?

What is your "Why" for Movement?

It takes time to form a healthy relationship with movement. I think that an important question that we all need to ask ourselves is: What drives me to move my body? As I thought about this question 3 things came to my mind.

  1. Energy

    Movement gives me energy. When I start my day out with movement it gives me the energy that I need to function and to last throughout the day.

  2. Stress Relief

    Movement allows me to take a break from my stressful life. It gives me time to breathe and do something that I love.

  3. Confidence

    Movement gives me confidence. It gives me confidence and motivation to accomplish seemingly hard tasks. It also gives me confidence in my body, it helps me to feel good in my own skin.

What drives you to move your body? What is your motivation for movement? It's important to know that movement shouldn't be about achieving a certain number on a scale or fitting into a certain size of clothes. These expectation can become unhealthy for both your mental health and your body. Movement should be about feeling good in your own skin. Joyful movement is about what makes you and your body feel good.

#3 Listen to your body and what it needs.

One of my favorite forms of movement that brings me joy is going for a walk/run in the morning. This form of joyful movement gives me the energy that I need for the day as well as it helps me to stay grounded in my stressful life. For me consistency is key, so I aim to incorporate movement into my daily routine. Each of us is unique and we each have different needs, that is why It is important to listen to your body and what it needs.

#4 Be patient.

Patience is key. It takes time to find what works best for you and your body. You may have to try a lot of new and different things to find what works best. It took me a lot of time to find a joyful way to move my body that also works with my busy life. There will be a lot of trial and error, but trust me it is worth it! Be patient with yourself and your body as you form and develop and positive relationship with movement.

Remember to celebrate your progress, no matter how small, and don't compare yourself to others. Over time, a positive relationship with movement can lead to improved physical health, mental clarity, and a greater sense of self-confidence.

The therapists at Mind & Strength Counseling of Utah are here to help you find your true holistic approach to mental health and exercise. Check us out and make an appointment today!


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