Body Neutrality: How to start think about what your body does rather than how it looks.

Body neutrality is a concept that encourages individuals to focus on what their bodies can do rather than how they look. It is a way to shift the focus from appearance to function and ability. Body neutrality recognizes that everyone's body is unique and different and that it is okay to have imperfections. It is not about ignoring or denying physical appearance, but rather, not letting it define one's self-worth. By practicing body neutrality, individuals can develop a more positive and healthy relationship with their bodies, which can lead to improved mental health and overall well-being.

Sometimes it can be challenging to think positively about our bodies when the world around us is constantly telling us that we should be focusing on how our bodies look. It can become unhealthy for both your mental health and your body image to constantly focus on how your body looks. I have struggled with this myself. Body neutrality has helped me to come to understand and respect my body. As you practice body neutrality it can help you to come to know your worth and come to appreciate your body. Your worth is great, and your body helps you to accomplish great things.

Here are 3 body neutral questions that have helped me to form a more positive relationship with my body:

#1 How does my body feel?

Instead of focusing on how your body looks focus on how it feels. This question can really help you come to know your body and develop a better relationship with your body.

#2 What does my body allow me to do?

I found that by asking myself this question it has helped me to become more grateful for my body for all the things that it can do. Our bodies are amazing and can help us to accomplish seemingly difficult tasks.

#3 How has my body helped me today?

Take time to focus be in the moment with your body. It can be overwhelming to have to constantly worry about the appearance of your body. But by just being the moment focusing on how your body has helped in the moment can help you to be proud of your body for what it has helped you to accomplish.

Body neutrality can help you to show respect for your body. It can help you to come to appreciate your body for what it can do, because our bodies are vehicles for greatness. Body neutrality will help you to make peace with your body.

The therapists at Mind & Strength Counseling of Utah are here to help you find your true holistic approach to mental health and exercise. Check us out and make an appointment today!


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