Intuitive Eating 101

Intuitive Eating is an approach to eating that emphasizes listening to your body's hunger and fullness cues, rather than following strict diets or meal plans. It encourages individuals to eat when they are hungry, and to stop eating when they are full, while also being mindful of the types of foods they are consuming. Diet culture and the wellness industry is valued over 142.6 billion dollars. Their messages revolved around you not trusting your own body, thoughts or intuition. The intuitive eating approach promotes a healthy relationship with food, and can lead to long-term improvements in overall health and well-being. It is important to note that intuitive eating is not a weight loss program, but rather a way to nourish your body and mind in a sustainable way.

Right now my intuitive eating journey looks like rediscovering the foods that I love and that nourish my body. In the midst of disordered eating, fueled by the "all or nothing" mentality, I let go of so many foods that I love, that are good for me. For the first time in a while I'm actually enjoying cooking with so many new flavors again.

Here are three tips that can help you to have a good relationship with food:

#1 Listen to your hunger cues.

Listen to your body. It's important to pay attention to your body and how it is feeling. How does your body feel when it if hungry? If your body is telling you that it is hungry, eat something.

#2 Give yourself permission to eat the food you love.

Practice compassion and give yourself permission to indulge in your favorite treats from time to time. Intuitive eating is not about deprivation, but about balance and moderation.

#3 Eat food that makes you feel good.

Your health is more than your size. Focus on nourishing your body with nutritious food that makes you feel good. Remember everyone is different. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to intuitive eating. What works for one person may not work for you, so listen to your own needs.

Remember: When you don't eat it's not a diet it's starvation. Your body needs food no matter your body size. Food is not your enemy, it's your ally. You ALWAYS deserve to nourish your body! It's important to remember that food gives you energy and is good for your body. Food is fuel and you need it to function. Remembering this can help you to develop a more positive relationship with your body and food. Listen to your body's signals and trust it to guide you towards nourishing foods.

Developing a positive relationship with food can make all the difference! Intuitive eating is being at peace with your food and giving yourself permission to eat the food that you love. Intuitive eating is joyful eating.

The therapists at Mind & Strength Counseling of Utah are here to help you find your true holistic approach to mental health and exercise. Check us out and make an appointment today!


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